4 Hiking in Kullaberg, Sweden

Hiking in Kullaberg, Sweden

1:20 h from Malmö by car there is this amazing natural reserve, with hiking possibility. The view it’s spectacular and it’s by far one of the best hiking tour to do in Skåne.

Grateful for

  • Friends
  • Nature
  • Travel

3 Dog sledging in the Arctic

Dog sledging in the Arctic

Wonderful experience in Tromsø! We had our own team of huskies with this extraordinary experience, a must-do when visiting Northern Norway! They got really excited when the sleds were being prepared.

Grateful for

  • Friends
  • Nature

2 Picnic in Eksholm with Emmie, Alex and Lucy

Picnic in Eksholm with Emmie, Alex and Lucy

There is no better thing than spending the day outside with lots of food, drinks and good company in the nature! Sweet Lucy enjoyed it also very much.

Grateful for

  • Friends
  • Nature
  • Travel

1 Book: Stop Overthinking

Book: Stop Overthinking

Stop Overthinking written by Nick Trenton. 
  • The 4 A’s of stress management: avoid, alter, accept, and adapt. These are the four ways in which one can respond to stress.
  • Eisenhower’s method is great for procrastinators, firefighters, and time martyrs:
    • For important and urgent tasks: do them immediately
    • For important but not urgent tasks: decide when to do them
    • For not important but urgent tasks: delegate them
    • For not-important and not-urgent tasks: delete them
  • Set SMART goals that are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound.

Grateful for

  • Consistency

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